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volunteer with exodus

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“Exodus provided a secure environment, not to mention a family of women and a community full of God’s people who showed me what order and structure and healthy boundaries can produce. I saw what a life of purpose can offer for my family and my daughter's future."

- Lucrecia Rose, An Exodus Graduate

Volunteer With Us

children's Programming

Host a resident child's birthday party!

Join us on Tuesday/Thursday evenings from 6:15-8 PM.
Play basketball, rock babies, play with play doh - share the love of Christ with children!

adopt an apartment

Get a team together, and prepare an apartment for an incoming family. You collect the furniture and household items.

Administrative Assistance

Volunteers work in our offices assisting with clerical work, answering telephones, organizing donations, and assist organize, shred, and archive information, etc.


Do you have a passion for discipleship? Partner with one of our moms or gradeschool children and walk with them this year.


Do you have a passion and an eye for photography/videography/storytelling? We need you! Help us collect stories and photos of our families!

Hold a Supply Drive

Hold a drive for our families. Contact us for a list of most needed items!


Do you love to lead bible studies? Are you passionate about parenting or computers? We need you! We book 3-4 months in advance.

event planning

Are you talented and have fun throwing creative events? We would love to have you help us plan 3-4 events a year!


Do you love a perfectly organized shelf? We love you! We could use your passion and talent to help organize common rooms.

Interested in volunteering at Exodus?

Email to apply!