We are grateful!

To Our Generous Friends & Supporters:

We are grateful for your faithfulness in 2021! It’s hard to believe that this year is already coming to an end! And what a year it has been! The resident families at Exodus Ministries have set some high goals this year, and they have accomplished much! We’ve celebrated THREE Exodus Graduations this year; THREE of our resident moms have earned their Texas Driver License; THREE of our resident moms have begun college and/or professional certification courses; THREE of our resident moms have purchased a vehicle (with their own money); TWO of our resident moms have enrolled in Exodus’ Phase II Program; and currently, ALL of our resident moms are gainfully employed and gracefully tackling real-world hurdles while navigating the complexities of parenting and motherhood. WOW! What a wonderful reminder that we worship a Sovereign God who loves us, and who celebrates our WINS with us!

Exodus Ministries continues to be a place where God’s glory is powerfully displayed through the lives of the resident families who make their home with us. Through Christ-centered relationships, lives here are changing forever, and debilitating cycles of abuse and addiction are finally being broken. Our moms and their children are flourishing! Angela Walterscheid, a recent Exodus graduate, had this to say at our Fall Power Breakfast event:

4630 Munger Avenue, #110
Dallas, Texas 75204
Telephone: (214) 827-3772

In 2020, I was released from prison, reunited with my two youngest children, and was facing certain homelessness when God brought Exodus into my path. God prompted me repeatedly to enter the Exodus program. He knew that I was at a breaking point in my heart and that I had almost given up on myself. Once Exodus accepted my application, I told God that I would give him a year of my life. I would give myself entirely to the program. I would do the classes. I would attend the meetings. I would submit to all of it. I was certain that God placed me there to save my life. Exodus attracted me because of its Christian principles, and because it was the only program in Texas that would admit a felon with her children. During the twelve-month program, I began working for a great company called Well Grounded Coffee (an Exodus hiring partner); I began regularly scheduled professional counseling sessions, along with my two boys; and I quickly dove into community with the other moms in the program whose stories very closely resembled my own story. These women provided a support network for me that I had never experienced. My mentor in the program was amazing as well! She taught me how to put my new life and parenting skills to practical use. TODAY -- my family is completely transformed: We've graduated from Exodus-- I'm attending college--and my boys (who faced homelessness twice while I was in prison) are thriving in a Dallas Magnet School! Because of how God used Exodus in my life, I now have the stability and support that I need to permanently change my life, and my sons' lives. I'm now able to move forward because my foundation is secure. I thank God every day for Exodus Ministries!

– Angela Walterscheid

As we come to the final stretch of the year, I’m asking you to include Exodus Ministries among the organizations that you will choose for a generous end-of-year gift. Will you prayerfully consider how your year-end financial contribution would directly influence the lives of our resident moms and their children? There are so many stories of transformation here! Please, will you generously invest in a family like Angela’s? It could make a generational difference in the here-and-now, but in the Community of Faith we recognize that the full impact of your stewardship is reserved for Eternity. As always, we remember that none of what happens at Exodus Ministries is possible without God moving actively through His people. We are thankful for the impassioned support of donors like you!

On behalf of the Staff and Executive Board at Exodus Ministries, Merry Christmas! We can’t wait to see you in 2022, and to discover what God will do as we partner together to make disciples and pursue life transformation through Christ-centered relationships!

Joyfully serving,
Susan Stephens
Executive Director

P.S. Whether you’re mailing a check to Exodus Ministries or donating online, be sure to put “End of Year Gift” on your donation (via the check memo or the online comments section).

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